So instead of exploring the weird and wonderful things VR can do, we end up with those generic legless Facebook avatars that nobody likes.

Zuckerberg wants to carve his own very specific niche of VR and goes completely tunnel vision on everything else. The problem is that that "there" is not where Zuckerberg wants it to be. The technology is "there" and has been for a while. I think he's all in on it, I don't know if he'll succeed but he sure as hell is going to try.

It won't ever have perfect fidelity with the real world but it is far more accessible than buying a plane ticket to the point that it stands a chance of doing for social interaction what the web did for access to information. He seems to believe, whether correct or not, that we can truly connect with each other in VR. You will never truly connect with someone through text and pictures on a webpage, even audio and video can't do it. The thing he says over and over is that he started facebook as a way to connect people and I think he sees the inherent limitations built into that system. He seems intent on making this happen even if he has to kill the facebook arm of the company in order to do so. He is pivoting his company away from traditional social media and attempting to transform it into a social VR company. Zuck has a vision and he's made it pretty plain.